The Life and Times of
Best read as he would, with gritted teeth and a deep bass voice, standing in defiance, and total conviction that he is "The Man". It is buried with him at his right hand.
Other notable boats include the "Mar-J"
War Stories
During WWII, Dad served in the U.S. Merchant Marine.
Dad served on ships hauling fuel oil
On August 4, 1944, he "crossed the line" (the Equator) probably for the first time
At the end of the war, he was aboard the Liberty Ship "Chief Osceola", In the Mediterranean, they stopped in Gibraltar, as planned, then given orders to make an unscheduled stop at Oran, Algeria. When the Vichy French surrendered to the Germans, French ships were ordered to Oran, and scuttled in the harbor so the Allies couldn't get them. It was very dark when he arrived in the harbor, and all he could see were the masts of the sunken ships sticking out of the water. He left the ship to find a drink in town, and barely found a place when he was arrested and put in jail, for being the wrong religion. Later, on that same voyage, in Odessa, Ukraine, at the Hotel Londonskya, it was VE day, he was drinking with 6 Russian generals, 3 on each side, doing vodka and caviar. Hitler committed suicide on Sunday morning. It was madness, everyone drinking, having a party. He lost track of time, missed his shift on board. When the party was over, he had to get back to the ship. Curfew was at sunset. It was dark out, walking back to the ship, through the park, the Russian guards spotted him. "Stoy" (hold).... "Amerikanski" and took him to NKVD headquarters, wanted to know why he was out after dark, told them he was partying. They finally believed him, sent him on his way... Back at the ship, the chief engineer wanted to kill him. He had lost his steam, lost his water... Down in the engine room there was a tiny, tiny pump. Need to get water in the boilers, then pump oil, put rags into the fire pit, soaked with oil, start fire, to get the steam, takes about an hour and a half to get it going. They were the last ship out of the harbor, had 1500 tons of explosives on board, didn't want explosion during unloading. Then, home again, through the Black Sea, the Mediterranean, Gibraltar, then across the Atlantic, about a 3 week trip, to Philly, where he went direct to the union hall to get another ship.
(for some additional perspective,
He was assigned to the ship "Ticonderoga" when Japan surrendered and the war ended, August 15, 1945.
As it happened, the ship was in port in Philadelphia.
He was told the next voyage would be
3 months in the South Pacific (Ulithi?),
so he went to the captain and said
As of 2008, there are only two Liberty ships operational:
S.S. Jeremiah O'Brien, Fisherman's Wharf, San Francisco, CA, and
A third vessel, the S.S. Red Oak Victory is being restored in Richmond, CA
A story was printed in the Bucks County Courier Times on 4/7/2008 which gives some of the details
about the early days leading up to the start of McCafferty Ford. Info provided by son Jim.
Click here for the story.
Over the years, Dad drove some interesting cars:
1928 Nash sedan (but he couldn't drive it because he didn't have the $10 for tags)
37 Ford, 60hp Jaguar XK-140 MC 1957 Ford Thunderbird, bronze color
1959 Jaguar XK-150/S, black, red leather interior Austin Healey 3000 roadster Cobra MG-TF 1967 Ford Fairlane Talladega drop nose with blackout hood 1970 Pantera 1926 Alpha Romeo boat tail racer (replica, on a VW chassis with Model A wheels)
Mustang 429 convertible, 4-on-the-floor, triple black 2002 Ford Taurus
His dealer license plate was always a "full house" (eg: A55333A)
Do you have a photo or story to share? |
August 19, 1915 - March 27, 2008 Obituary
and delivered by her at the funeral mass, on March 31, 2008.
Good morning. Thank you all for coming. It is my pleasure to share this with you.
I would like to think that early Thursday morning, about ten of one,
Grandpop walked into some celestial lounge reminiscent of
Jim Flannery's constellation room or
Reedman's Glen Lake Inn and
was greeted by Mom and all the spirits of his past.
The thought plays out in my mind like an old black and white movie from the 40's
with Jimmy Dorsey's band playing the background music.
Surely Uncle Penny would greet you, his big voice booming
"Hey Charlie's finally here, we've been holding a Manhattan for you!"
Grandpop would grab the drink, light up an El Producto corona cigar and
look around the room at his welcoming party.
John Ewan and Bud Merwin arguing religion and politics,
Jack Dougherty and Mitch Bennett talking interest rates and cheap money,
and Joe Foster and Eddie Gersch remembering the deal that got away.
Chappy isn't in a wheel chair in the tap room of the heavens, and he reminds you that the "pony" investment
wasn't such a crazy idea after all.
At the next table are the members of the IS--WAS club and your favorite guys from your 20 group.*
They are all there, all the best parts of the best years.
And just like in ancient Irish mythology, this bar room of dreams,
is like the land of Tir Na Nog
where everyone, regardless of the circumstances surrounding their transit into the afterlife,
are again as they once were: young and beautiful....healthy and happy.
In this mystical place, there are no floor plan checks, no elephants sitting on Crown Victorias,
just an endless supply of junk cars for you to flip and roll down the hill,
out back by the speedway.
Everyday dawns clear and cool.
Perfect conditions to cruise the Chesapeake
at the controls of the Granada on the way to St. Michael's
for some crabs, corn on the cob and garden tomatoes.
Mom is at your side and you are reminded once again of what it is like to have it all.
You worked so very hard to succeed and earn the respect of your peers.
You challenged us to find our own path to success and happiness and everyone of your grandchildren
has their own special G-pop story from the family vacation in the Cayman Islands
or summer vacations in Ocean City.
Your journey is complete. You made it just before last call and the tab is running forever.
It's a long way from Ma Bishops. The good times roll on.
Grandpop we will miss you so. Good Night and God bless, give Grandma a kiss for us!
One of the songs played at the funeral was Here's a link to the music and lyrics
My favorite part:
From the back page of the mass booklet
May the road rise up to meet you. |
The McCafferty Family Coat of Arms
"Justice and Fortitude are Invincible"